Thursday, May 29, 2008

'Family Tree' turtle bronze

Here's my newest finished bronze of turtles basking on a floating log.
I like the suggestion of water that the reflective black granite base provides.
There's more pics of it on my website, and below is a pic of it before casting as it looked in clay.


Unknown said...

Now the turtles are adorable to me. Have you done any frogs or toads? We had a toad that kept finding his way into the house a couple of years ago when we were building an addition. Last year he just sat on the porch all puffed up and pouting because we shut him out.

Catastrophe said...

Ooh, turtles are fantastic. I collect stuffed turtles and sculptures of them. They're all over the place now. I'd love something like this but I simply wouldn't have the money for it. Really amazing thing, though.

Unknown said...

My turtle looks just like them! Very cool!

secretleaves said...

Your turtles are great! And I love the mice and the frog is your other posts. I would love to have that toad in my yard.


Liz said...

Great Work Steve. Keep uploading!

Jenni said...

Your turtle work is just amazing!! I am an avid fan of turtles and this is just beautiful, good work.

iWoman said...

Oh, the turtles are amazing! Great work.

Jessie Sandoval said...

I'm actually quite envious of salamanders--they have lovely dewy skin, so don't worry, I'm as kind as can be...even to cool salamander bosses. Thanks for reading!

By the way, your turtles are exquisite.


Theresa said...

I love turtles (own two real ones and too many to count non-real), and these are fantastic. I too would love to add them to my collection, but as a fellow commenter posted, I don't have the budget for it. If you ever make the super-mini version, let me know ;-) Keep sculpting, they're wonderful.

Steve sculpts critters said...

Hi Theresa.
Glad you like my turtles!
And the super mini ones actually do exist.
Check on my website.
On my prices page I go from High to Low, with everything visible.
They are the very first things you see.
Thanks again,