Here's a few random pics for your viewing pleasure!
Freshly cast plaques (need finishing and patina), a dud attempt at casting metal masters of my new angel mice, and an American Indian snow suited superhero keeping watch on Canyon Road (not mine, I just had to take the pic when I saw him!)
This plaque is my modified award one I did for Mercy For Animals to present to
Bob Barker minus the lettering, plus some additional background sky. Needs sandblasting and patina...
The first attempt at casting the angel mice came out a bust (shrinkage, and bits didn't cast properly etc), but not to worry, it took six tries to get my metal masters done for Pugnacious and Rumpy and Pumpy mice.
We'll get there...
What's Angel Chubby whispering? |
And when I saw this guy standing stoically up Canyon Road I had to get his picture!
The snow made it sort of a bit of a mash up of a day of the dead superhero American Indian character!