I don't want some new fangled thingamabob texty toy doodad to make a phone call.
So I took it in, got a new card installed and voila! (as they say in France), it worked.
For about a day. Then it died for good.
Merde (as they also say a lot in France).
So it seemed there was no choice but to get the all singing and all dancing iPhone to replace it.
Not only can I now browse the internet while Meridee takes fourteen times longer than she says she will in the supermarket, but I can check my email in the woods, take pictures of baby lizards if I should find them on the bedroom carpet, and finger paint straight onto the tiny screen (you need the $4.99 brushes app for that, but it's well worth it)!
See what I mean?...
These new fangled phone things are amazing.
You can do a trillion times more with them than you can with your tv remote, and it's three trillion times easier to figure out how.
I still don't know how to use my remote.
Lee is off to make a mold on a life size angel or something. So he'll be on location in Colorado for he reckons 2 to 3 weeks.
So I went round his place yesterday to check my waxes before he mails them overnight to the foundry. They need them by Monday to turn them around for their next drop off back in Santa Fe, which will give us time to get them finished and patinas applied (I hope!) in time for my show at Manitou Galleries on Nov 6.
I'll give the foundry a call next week to make sure we're still in good shape.
I was pretty excited to see my small-ish turtle, mid sized bumper to bumper bits, bottle stoppers, and tree frogs especially.
I've been a frog nut since I can remember.
Once at school the teacher accused me of looking inside a book during a memory test.
We had to bring a book in from home, and read a paragraph and re-write it in class with the book closed. I was word perfect, which is why the teacher accused me of looking, which I of course proved not to be the case by writing it out again. Along with the next paragraph. And the paragraph after that.
Then I re-drew the pictures.
It was of course the frog section of an animal encyclopedia. I had read the frog section about a trillion times at home and copied the frog drawings probably every time as well!
So I suppose I did have a slightly unfair advantage, but it was quite satisfying to be such a smartypants and stick it to the teacher!
(I'm sure I would have hated to have me as a student)...
My website and Etsy store.
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