I am currently making a 40" long or so sculpture of some turtles in a traffic jam (more of my work can be seen
I already made a miniature version just a few inches long (seen here), now I'm doing a larger one. I'll post its progress over time.
First stage is to make a master turtle (which, unmodified, I can also cast as a stand alone edition).

From that I'll get a mold made, and get half a dozen or so wax reproductions of his shell and head so I can make the variously submerged turtles with different head postions, feet where appropriate, etc added with wax based clay.
Each of those will then need its own new mold, from which the pieces will emerge as waxes, to be cast as bronze after that, patinated, and attached to the black granite 'water'.
I haven't finalized the rest of the base yet. Could be a piece of wood so you'd put in on some furniture, or maybe a custom designed table or stand of some kind, as suggested in the picture at the top of this post.
Something for me to think about while things proceed...
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